Tag Archives: Metaphysics

The Internet Tarot Weather Dude

Region:  The Pacific North West (Northern California, Oregon and Washington)

Date(s):  From Thursday July 6th to Saturday July 8th 2017

Deck:  Native American

Cards Drawn:  Death (13 Major Arcana), 8 of Vessels (Cups), 8 of Tomahawks (inverse), 4 of Tomahawks (inverse), 7 of Tomahawks (Blades, swords) and 6 of Shields (Pentacles or Coins).

Forecast:  In my experience with other readers there are Tarot Literalists and Tarot Intuitives, I am of the later group.  I have no familiarity of this regions weather or any other region other than the one for which I usually read.  That being the case I will put the reading in more general terms than I would prefer.  So here we go.

Death, the only card from the Major Arcana, isn’t as scary as it sounds.  Death is a card that means transition or change.  So whatever the trend has been for the last several days, week or weeks is about to reverse or flip.  It it has been cooler then average then it will become hotter than average, wetter than average changes to drier you get the idea.  Being that the card is from the Major Arcana I want to see it as an indication of a change in trend at least in the short term (the three days of the forecast) although the trend could last longer.  I am thinking Rain for Thursday, not necessarily region wide, Expect conditions to be humid where there is no precipitation.  Look for winds to be on the increase reaching their peak by the end of the forecast period though I don’t believe they will reach profound speeds, just higher than they are now.  Dry conditions will be setting in through late Friday and Saturday.  I have the weird feeling of fire conditions becoming an issue by Saturday though I don’t see temperatures getting that hot.  That strikes me as unlikely as the Oregon and Washington wind side region is considered a temperate rain forest none the less dry and fire conditions is the sense I get of things.

That’s about all I can say about that and I hope it make sense.

Hug the people you love, look towards your Muse and have a better than average day.

The Internet Tarot Weather Dude’s Alien (ET) Invasion Forecast

Let’s try this again.

I believe that my forecast during the last 30 day period held and Aliens didn’t invade, as predicted.  Unless I missed something and it is very possible that I have.  For the moment I’ll run with the assumption that the invasion from space didn’t manifest.  It could be, though, that I have been captured by these fiendish alien beasts and my brain and therefore consciousness is currently stored is some strange metal case as they transport me through space.  Thank you H.P..  If you’d like to read more this idea it is part of H.P. Lovecraft’s whisperer in the darkness which you can find a free audio version of at You Tube.  If you are looking for a good case of the creep this story might do it for you, if not at the very least you might find it strange.

Enough of that bull shit and now on to the reading.

Region:  The globe.

Date(s);  July 5th to August 5th 2017

Deck:  Renaissance

Cards Drawn:  2 of Staves (wands) and The World (inverse, 21 of the Major Arcana)

Forecast:  Between the clown car we call the relationship between the current Administration and the Traditional Media and to a lesser extent the Internet/Citizen Media,  all of which is a lot like a sporting event and serves as a great distraction, but also as a source of stress. This combined with rising uncertainty in investment markets and the economy over all along with the beginning of the banging of the war drum, should be directly proportional to the rate of sightings or UFOs or Aerial Phenomena during the next period.  In no way am I trying to imply that these sightings are not real, I am simply stating that I am not prepared to label them in any particular way.  The bulk of sightings in my mind remain simply that, sightings, something singular though like individual events I may see differently.  It came to my attention in my youth back in the late 1970s that there seemed to be a connection between sightings and social stressors regardless of these various stresses sources.

I am saying this now specifically because of the two cards in this reading.  The two of wands could indicate heating mostly obviously in the form of physical temperature but also psychologically.  The modern (post WW II) sighting is influenced in my mind by two things in particular though I am sure there are other possibilities that I am unaware of as well.  Increasing levels of education through out the population and a greater awareness of the world as a whole.  So the two of wands is a heating up within the spiritual aspect of being human and the world inverse indicates that though the effect will be world wide it is not the global community as a whole that is the sole cause of said stress.  Globalization is a factor but not causal.  I be looking more towards markets, current instability geopolitically in the west along with U.S foreign policy.

Simply put, for those of you watching the UFO scene expect a higher level of sightings during the next month but I say there is no chance of an invasion at this time.

At any rate, don’t forget to look to your muse.

Have a better than average day.

The Internet Tarot Weather Dude

Let us see how’s this all shakes out.

Region:  North Western Ohio, North Central Ohio, North Eastern Ohio and North Western Pennsylvania.

Date(s):  From Monday July 3rd to Friday July 7th, 2017

Deck:  The Hermetic Tarot

Cards Drawn: SET ONE:  7 of wands (inverse), Death (13 Major Arcana, inverse), Knight of Cups,  Ace of Wands (inverse), Princess of Swords, 2 of Pentacles (inverse), The Lovers (6 of Major Arcana) and Queen of Cups.  SET TWO:  Princess of Wands and 4 of Swords.

Forecast:  Before I start prattling let me explain the Sets (Set one and Set two) and how I am using them.  Set one indicates the obvious patterns over the five day forecast the eight cards divided into two four card groupings, the first four for the first half of the week and the second four for the last half.  The dividing point being the middle day, Wednesday Mid afternoon, roughly 2 or 3 pm.  The second set indicates the underlying trend for the week.

The underlying trend is foremost tending towards warming primarily and an increase in air movement, wind secondarily.

So during Monday and Tuesday look for generally moderating temperatures tending towards comfortable temps in the mid to upper seventies (76 – 80) with light winds (0 – 10 mph) and a slight chance (20%- 30%) of rain.  There will not be any severe weather though some thunder may occur, generally speaking this period should be quite pleasant.  as of Wednesday afternoon through Friday looking for warming temperatures in the low the mid 80s (81 – 86) with conditions from mostly sunny to partly cloudy.  Winds generally increasing to 10 – 20 mph.  As far as rain is concerned I am thinking that there is a growing possibility of unsettled weather towards Friday. from passing showers and thunderstorms, but otherwise generally dry.  Expect and increase in humidity and generally good air quality during this period.  Friday is something of a wild card as it may huff and puff but I don’t think it will blow your house down.  I am thinking generally dry with some spots of passing unsettled weather (50/50) and a marginal risk of severe weather.

The fourth of July should be a decent day for whatever you may have planned.

Also remember that this is the beginning of the Dog Days of Summer but more on that later.

Whether I am full of it or this forecast holds have a better than average day.

Not So Smart

I still remember this old cast iron wall hanging that use to be in the kitchen of my maternal grandparents house many years ago.  It seemed old to me at the time, a single color, something akin to a bright yellow with flashes and streaks of the iron underneath showing through.  It hung there high on the wall across from the chair that my grandfather sat so that he could see it when he ate.  If he cared to tip his head just slightly. It was written in German with the image of an old man wagging a thoughtful finger at what I assumed then and still today to be a grandchild, probably a son.  In my minds eye I can still see one word clearly, Schmart.  Of course my mind, being what it is might have twisted that a bit but I still think it is probably correct, after all it was some time ago.  I still have a rough translation of what the little cast iron thingy had written on it, “The older you get the more you find that the less smart you are.”

This was a big topic for Grandpa whom seemed quite old to me at the time though I personally knew many people who were even older.  He would get into detail about books of knowledge and how when you were young the book of what you knew was such and so big.  Then he would hold his fingers far apart to indicate a book of great thickness.   He would go on to explain that when you get older you realize that the book of what you actually know is only this thick and he would squeeze his fingers together to indicate a book to thin to draw even my interest as an eleven year old.  I did read quite a bit by that time.  I think that summer was my first encounter with To Kill A Mockingbird, Lord of the flies and Atlas Shrugged.  The last title well beyond my ability to properly appreciate.  So I liked the book reference and I thought that I understood what he meant which was that so much was being added to the body of knowledge that an individual just couldn’t keep up.  Sort of the standard point of view of youth which I have heard often through out my life pointed at me as well as my wife which is old people don’t know anything.  Mom’s don’t know anything, just pick your group and stick “don’t know anything” behind it.

So I thought I understood when I was young and in a way I did when I was young and that understanding was, as repetitious as it is, young.  Being that I have some formal education, a mental disability and nothing but time I do a lot of thinking and reflecting which is probably one of the reasons that I deal with schizophrenia as well as a do.  As a growing person has experiences and sometimes those experiences contradict what we were taught in school, college or at university.  When we accept a thing as known with out having tested the idea to be sure, assuming that the thing is knowable, then it is an assumption.  Believe me when I say that assumptions are everywhere like land mines.  Assumptions extrapolated from, built on top of other and piled high and deep.  Even when you know its an assumption you rush to defend it like the love of your life.  Sometimes you think you now when you don’t.  There are plenty of things of which I am fully well aware that I know nothing about and that’s not the issue the issue is the shit I think I know something about when I know nothing at all.  I keep stumbling over these things, things I accept are so with out really knowing.  Its getting to be a major pain in the ass and in the end that is what I think my Grandfather was talking about.

Its strange to me what I remember, those strange scant moments like shadows, vague an hazy and the ones that are sharp like yesterday’s morning.  Why would my young eleven year old mind latch on to those conversations.  Was it repetition?  My brothers heard the same as often as I yet the have no recollection.  It is odd what one remembers and how it effects them and influences their lives.  So that “Not so Smart” was a joint project between myself and my Grandfather.

Look for your Muses and don’t be afraid to be wrong as much of a pain as it is, you might find a pleasant surprise on the other side of that fear.

Have a better than average day.


Don’t be Drug Dependent

They say

pounding on the podeum

Will should be enough

with exercise

a strong diet

and a few Herbs

I am schizophrenic

I have seen my quiet genetic kin

suffer the Trauma of their own minds

when they free themselves

moment after moment

from medicine’s strange bondage

These Pills pose no cure

They offer only a chance

an escape back into the Cave

Away from the horror

to focus on the wonder

even if only in flashes

Seconds of understanding

with treatment or without

We, I are the same

a piece without a puzzle


Romantic Outlook for The House of Cancer

This is a new one for the Tarot and I, I am not sure how this will work, but then every one loves romance so what the hey, right?

First we start with a two card draw to get a sense of what the romantic arena looks like for Cancer over the next roughly 30 days.

Deck:  Hermetic

Sign Cancer.

Cards Drawn: Princess of Wands (inverse) and 4 of Swords (inverse)

I am a Cancer, just for the record.  What can I say, I think it is a mixed bag romance wise for Cancer over the next 30n days.  The Princess of Wands is a key card and she looks unfriendly.  Wands are fire signs and that includes, Leo, Aries and Sagittarius.

If it sounds like shit it probably is.

During this 30 day period Cancers should remain wary of these individuals.  Generally It is possible to find a new friend or potential romantic liaison but the intellect is adverse to such relations at this time.  It could be a time to find new social relations through clubs, community organizations or even volunteering.  This Summer is not the Summer for Cancer, think minefield.

Other Water Signs:  Pisces and Scorpio

Cards Drawn:  The Emperor (4 of Major Arcana) and The Princess of Cups (inverse)

If sex is all you want then this is a good time for the other water signs to make their move.  The Inverted Princess of Cups is a warning to any one seeking a mature emotionally satisfying relationship.  The timing for such things is off.  This is a meat market buffet.  Remember that when in the world looking for an others company, if you expect a physical relationship then you won’t be disappointed but if you want more then this is not the time.

All Other Signs

Cards Drawn:  The Devil (15 Major Arcana, inverse) and 3 of Wands

Okay, this might sound a bit weird.  Generally, in my experience, the Devil card largely signifies that just because a thing or and act is unnatural doesn’t mean that it is evil.  But in this case the Devil is inverted and that kind of throws me.  The three of wands is close to the root of the spirit and of fire, think sexual heat.  The idea that two are perfectly matched in form and spirit and have little of no regard for the sexual norms of whatever region they may inhabit.  As I think about it, I am forced to ask the reader a question, do you want to take a walk on the wild side?  If not then stay home, in the shadows and out of sight as much as possible.  If yes, then get out and meet people.  If you are willing to suspend judgement and let animal attraction be your guide you might find these 30 days far more entertaining than any Hollywood movie.

As always, listen to your Muse and have a better than average day.


Genetic Deterministic Mathematical Predictability

Is where the eye, I came

That predetermined lottery from which Eye,

I drew the short straw

So when I be flushed into the fecal soup

with all our advancement, all we create

it seems

is garbage en mass

That is our true proclivity, our gift

So when my time is done

and again the metal chain is broken

spin the wheel

take the American Standard way

flushed back into the fecal bath

maybe this time I’ll get better odds.